Friday, June 28, 2019

Exploring Pyrotechnics In Art And Music

By Jeffrey Williams

When it comes to unique and unusual work, fire can often play a place. For, pyrotechnics is an area in which individuals need a lot of skill. Whereas, individuals can often also have fun simply by playing with the element, as long as done so safely. One area in which fire is at the center is in that of being a burner or fire dancer, either of which can be work or play.

Other areas in which the element holds a presence include fireworks, safety matches, some automotive airbag parts, oxygen candles, explosive bolts and anything else related to fire, especially when related to music or the performing arts. Whereas, most people in charge of the devices used in this type of work are referred to as pyro-technicians.

Fireworks, flames, smoke, flashes and explosions used in entertainment are often referred to as fire art, such as that which takes place at the Burning Man festival. The proximate location refers to the device's position relative to an audience. In most areas, special licensing and training must be completed along with permission of the owner of a venue or property when using any aspect of fire art.

The band Phish uses fire art as does Paul McCartney and others in concert. In fact, a number of musical groups use the technology to enhance live shows. Pink Floyd was one of the first innovators when it comes to the use of the technology in concert. One good example of this type of use is in Pink Floyd's song "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" in which a blast of smoke was set off from the back of the staging area.

In fact, groups such as The Who, Kiss and Queen have put on some of the most dramatic concerts in history by using fire. Although, it is not only rock and roll bands as seen by Rammstein, a metal industrial band which are renowned for incorporating different aspects of the technology in live shows and videos. Whereas, American pop bands Lordi and Green Day have also been using the technology.

The technology is broken down into several categories, each of which provides a different result. Although, a combination is often used when it comes to professional displays of fireworks, especially during a finale. As such, it is important that spectators be alert, aware and cautious at these events as some devices or fireworks can catch on fire.

When it comes to theatrical performances, most devices are used to create an effect of fire either coming out of an object. In this case, the term used to describe this aspect is known as gerb. In most cases, the use of devices in this area are often far safer than that of others. Still, even with live theater and movie productions, there can be incidents in which a fire can be started or an individual experiences a severe burn.

While there are different categories with regards to the technology, most devices are operated by remote control unit operated by a technician. In many cases, the individual may be using a control panel in which fireworks or other types of fire art can be released in sequence or by a pre-programmed sequence. When this is the case, music is often programmed to play in alignment the fireworks or fire art.

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