Thursday, November 21, 2013

What To Look For In An Irrigation Backflow Installation

By Katy Kline

Backflow devices are designed to protect the potable water supply from contaminants returning up the water lines from back-siphoning or back-pressure. They are very important for protecting the public water supply from potential health hazards. There are several different types of backflow installation devices to choose from when designing your new system. All of these systems must be inspected every year to assure that they are working properly.

Backflow is a problem because anything in the pipes you are using can be sucked back into the neighborhood water supply. The water is moved by back-pressure and is a fairly common occurrence. Most businesses are required by law to install the devices to protect the water supply.

This is especially true if chemicals are introduced into water for pest control or fertilization of the crops. Sprinkler systems generally come with a shut-off valve but this is an inadequate answer to the problem because valves tend to leak causing the opportunity for potentially hazardous or toxic conditions. Most states have laws that demand that these devices be installed.

A double check valve assembly is the most common inline underground system found. They are popular because they are underground or in a basement or shed and are not prone to freeze in the winter months. You may not use chemicals or additives to your water when using the double check valve assembly.

The easiest whole system device to install is the pressure vacuum breaker assembly. It's also the least expensive and the most popular of all of the systems. It comes with an anti freeze function that protects the device itself. Since the lines are underground it does not need to protect the pipes attached to it. Another aspect of this device is that it frequently ejects water from its system and needs to be placed in a well drained area.

For commercial properties the industry standard is the reduced pressure zone assembly. You will find these at apartment buildings and condominiums because they are the most efficient method of prevention against pollutants and toxins. They are the most complex and difficult to install but by far the most efficient means of protection. You may also find this type of assembly at major factories and businesses that use large amounts of water that may become contaminated from chemicals or other pollutants.

If you have a smaller operation you may want to find the simplest of all the systems. That will be the atmospheric vacuum breakers system. It is the least expensive of all of the options available to you and it can be set up to run up to six out lets on your property. Each line must have its own assembly and this device cannot be used as a whole system option.

There will be many decisions for you to make when selecting which irrigation backflow installation you want. You must determine whether or not you plan to use additives in the water you use. You must also consider size of project and the use of the project you are considering. The main objective needs to be the safety of everyone's water supply in the area and how to make certain that you do not contribute any contaminants to the area.

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