Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Medical Miracles Attract So Much Attention

By Susan Dawson

Since the beginning of time as we know it there has been tales and recordings of people that experienced extraordinary events. In many cases, these events were related to medicinal matters. So many people have claimed miraculous cures that the issue simply cannot be ignored, even today. There are numerous stories of medical miracles that simply cannot be explained by any layman or expert.

Debates regarding to miraculous cures abound. There are many medical experts that are more than willing to declare publicly that they have given up on a patient, only to see him or her recover in a remarkable manner. In some cases it is impossible to even trace the original disease after the recovery. However, whether such recoveries are indeed miraculous or due to unknown science is still a matter for discussion and research.

It is only natural to expect that people diagnosed with terminal or debilitating illnesses will seek out solutions. Most people will immediately conduct studies on their own conditions and in many cases they will come across a huge number of opinions on how their specific problem can be sorted out in an alternative manner. Some go the route of spiritual treatment.

Many people believe that it is necessary to return to nature in order to affect a miraculous cure. They learn about certain vegetables, herbs and other substances that are said to have properties that can cure almost any disease. Many people actually go for such cures, perhaps because they become desperate. Medical scientists warn against such untested miraculous natural cures, however and it would be a good idea to get a second opinion.

Another interesting phenomenon is the large number of people, normally fanatically religious, that claim to be able to channel the healing power of the deity and thus cure people of every imaginable disease. Some of these people are extremely popular and they hold huge rallies where they lay hands on people, pray for them and claim to have cured them. Sadly, so many of them have been exposed as complete frauds.

It is surprising to learn just how many ill people turn to alternative healing processes once they learn and accept that they are ill. Many will turn to religion, hoping for a miracle. Others will dedicate their lives to charitable causes, believing that they can gain favor with the deities or the spirits that are in control of the ether. Others promise to change their lives if only they will get better.

There are cynics, of course. They refuse to believe or accept that any miraculous healings ever take place. They say that desperate people will believe in anything and that any slight improvement will be attributed to supernatural intervention. However, the fact remains that many reputable medical experts will testify that they have witnessed remarkable recoveries that simply cannot be explained in any logical manner.

Stories of medical miracles certainly abound and there are many websites that allow people to relate their own personal experiences. Whether there are truly miracles or not is most certainly still an issue for debate. However, those that have experienced bona fide cures will swear that they were recipients of miraculous intervention.

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