Thursday, October 16, 2014

Places With Same Sex Legal Marriage And Their Benefits To The Society

By Estelle Larsen

The benefits of marriage are both for the couple and the government. Most of the time the government overlooks another kind which is same sex due to a lot of issues. Usually this is because of political, legal, moral, and religious aspects which are addressed in this certain situation.

The rights of most people have never been infringed upon or harmed when same sex couples are recognized and given equal rights. Same sex legal marriage is extending the actual rights for people who are enjoying already the benefits of these rights, which is by the majority, and should also be experienced by the minority as well. This is protecting the basic rights of every single person.

Massachusetts was the first state to legalize this in 2004. After that, the other states followed. These are Washington, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware, Maryland, California, and also with the District of Columbia.

Some states have usually recognized this as a domestic partnership or also known as civil union, but in the federal state, they are not entirely recognized. These are true for the states Hawaii, New Jersey, Illinois, and Colorado. Basically the benefits have a few similarities but they do not offer benefits in the federal state like Social Security and Tax benefits.

Other countries have legalized same sex marriage as well. Denmark in 1989 was the first country to recognize it, while Netherlands in 2001 is actually the first grant it in whole. In 2003 it was followed by Belgium and then other countries which are Canada, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, France, Brazil, New Zealand, Uruguay, England and Wales, and expected by 2015 would be Luxembourg.

The LGBT has contributed to the whole society in a lot of ways in regards to the benefits of social, financial, cultural, political, vocational, and spiritual aspects. They are definitely a fundamental and huge part of society in order for the development and full growth of the entire nation. Having them denied basic rights and disregarding them would end up as a huge loss to their contributions to the nation.

Having the LGBT be given equality would benefit other of the minorities as well. This would promote non discrimination values which can lower homophobia and prejudices among other people. Legalizing this would be a huge step to let people all over the country to have a better communication with each other and to understand that these certain relationships are also of equal value. This helps in preventing conflicts between intergroups and promotes cultural diversity as well.

It is a given that an individual should foster psychological and physical well being for them to contribute well to the development of society by being the best individuals they are. The harsh impacts of discrimination and also on the exclusion by the government and also from the society would greatly impact the growth of these people. This would cause psychological distress, social conflict, and ill health among these people.

If these negative impacts are removed it would contribute to the better development of these individuals. Being provided with equal rights would let them focus solely on what is important which is nurturing their psychological and also their physical well being. This can give them more freedom to attain their full potential and prevents time and resources wasted from battling in attaining the basic rights. A time will come where same sex marriage would then be called as marriage.

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