Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Growing Popularity Of Reclaimed Wood Constructions

By Nancy Gardner

The growing concern for the environment has led to many changes in certain industries. Pollution and waste are being lessened. Generally people would like to be as ecofriendly as they can. So by recycling and reusing materials this is done.

The building industry has been affected. Reclaimed wood constructions are now popular. These come from lumber that has been previously used. They come from older structures like barns and factories. It gives the wood a new life when we find ways to include it in new buildings.

To reuse something does not make it lesser quality. It is a way to have less waste. By using something you are extending its life. Less trees will be milled if we can use older lumber.

Old planks of lumber can be reused successfully. The main reason for this is that the material used in older buildings is better quality than the lumber that exists today. Before using anything for structural purposes it must pass an engineering check. All metal parts must be removed. It needs should be checked for presence of lead that can be toxic. If it will be used for decorative purposes, it does not need to be tested.

Lighting fixtures can be given a rewire and modern upgrade. For electric devices and other appliances, it would probably be better to stick with the modern conveniences. Older machines usually dont work as well nor are they fully compatible to modern times. When it comes to technology, it is smarter to stick with something new.

A reason for the growing fad of reusing old construction supplies is that many think it will cost less. They do not factor in the labor for deconstruction. It also takes time for prepping and restoring for the salvaged items to become reusable.

Another thing is you might think you are saving the environment by repurposing used items but you have to think about the labor costs and where it is from. If you are flying in items from across the world, that is not as economic as buying new material locally. Choose from nearby places when you want to search things you can use. Also you must take note that it isnt easy to locate usable lumber. It might be hard to find several pieces that are the same so patience is needed.

If you are planning to embark on a project like this, weigh the pros and cons. Is it really saving you money. Is it the look you want and is the quality still good. Safety standards must always be followed. Be sure that it holds to todays structural standards and guidelines.

It is important to be conscious of the impact we have on the world. Recycling and reusing will cause less pollution. That is something the whole world should strive for because the last thing we need is to add to the already full landfills.

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