Thursday, November 14, 2013

Essential Tips For Making Pressed Flower Art

By Katrina Wheeler

The biggest mistake people make when attempting to create pressed flower art, crafts or paintings is using the wrong type of paper. The paper is the most important part of the entire piece and can make or break the project. Flower craft projects look professional and unique when the creator understands the importance of using the right paper.

Using petals, leaves and blossoms has become a huge trend in the art world. Flower art work can benefit from the use of watercolor paper. When touched, watercolor paper feels rough. The roughness is important when bonding flowers to paper. Medium grade and cold-pressed watercolor paper are the most fitting type for projects involving flowers. The canvas can be painted or tinted with charcoal in advance.

When looking for a paper right for the project, handmade paper may be the best choice. Handmade paper can be used as a base layer, as well as a top layer. Paper made by hand can be opaque or transparent, making made by hand paper a great choice for the top sheet. Paper made by hand can reflect the vision seen in the mind, leaving the final product closer to the image in the mind.

Ingres paper, also known as laid paper, is a lesser known paper used to make dazzling artwork. Ingres paper, discovered by a French painter, is woven. The special way Ingress is woven leaves it with a raised texture. Flowers firmly attach to Ingres paper. Not all flowers are vibrant after being dried. The dark rich color of Ingres paper tends to be most appropriate when using vibrant flowers.

Japanese paper works great for plants, including flowers, leaves or weeds. The ideal texture of the paper should be one with a slightly rough surface. Wood pulp is the main ingredient in the paper, making plants bond to the paper permanently. When the artist wants a larger selection of paper, Japanese paper is a good choice. Giving artists a lot to work with in regards to the finished project.

Using regular paper is not desirable with something as delicate as dried flowers. When using regular paper, then a raised and rough surface is important. Turning regular paper into marbled paper makes it appropriate for the task. Creating marble paper takes more effort and knowledge but also creates an intricate background design for the finished product.

Some fabrics can be used for projects. The most impressive fabrics for this purpose are silk and velvet. Silk and velvet cost more and are more difficult to handle, but the end project is almost always eye catching and impressive. Botanical glue secures the organic matter to silk and velvet. It is important to remember silk and velvet pieces are not as long lasting.

Cheaper fabrics can be used for art projects. The best are cotton and linen. Cotton and linen last longer than silk and velvet, but are still seen as unique and interesting. Success is inevitable when enough thought is put into deciding upon the most fitting kind of paper. Each pressed flower art project is different, and each may require a different paper to get the stunning result that is desired.

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