Monday, November 4, 2013

Helping People Through Paintings For Charity

By Allyson Burke

Helping other people should be done by most existent individuals. Most especially if the blessings are showered upon them. You may receive a lot of it, but that does not mean that you can take all to your own. Why not help some less fortunate people in your account. Or if you are an art lover yourself, you may as well donate some pennies through paintings for charity. With that, the happiness that you will feel later on is beyond measure.

Doing charity is not only measured on the check that is given every visit. Sometimes, it also means that you give what you earn through your hard works and through using your own talent It is not exactly the price that counts. It is measured with the unconditional and boundless love you have in sharing your blessings to others.

Do not give money because it is tax deductible. Do not give it because you will receive larger benefits through the deduction of the percentages that will be reduced in your monthly income. Or your gross annual or yearly income. Just do that because you enjoy sharing something that you have.

If you just love to give happiness to other people, then you have the positive outlook in your life. You are likely to create and improve your sense of well being knowing that you are sacrificing something to apply aid to other will give you the purpose in your life. A mission of a happy ever after perhaps.

With this, you will also be aware of the social injustices in the world. Something that is overly practiced underhandedly. What is worst about that, is that the majority of the population gotten affected of that. And because of that, you will do something about it to make a change.

You will also grow and improve your spiritual life through this. After all, this is the highest point that will give the person the sense of relief and the inner harmony of his well being. All for the fact that you were too grateful with the blessings that you receive. And in exchange, you share it to others who just receive a meager of the blessing you got.

This will give you the opportunity as you donate your time and your skill through this. Your well being will reap with the social, physical and mental benefits that it can give. You will, most likely meet different people who are also walking on this road for the same cause.

Not that kind of reward where you will receive recognition from different organizations that will gain you publicity. Rather, the kind of reward that will fill your souls and your heart with nothing but pure happiness. Which will give you the eternal happiness you are searching for.

So if you have the love of helping other people and you know how to paint, why not try the paintings for charity. You do not have to give them a seven digit numbers to help. You only have to help through the love of doing so. Not because you are expecting something in return.

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