Friday, November 15, 2013

Here Are Some Beginners Piano Instruction

By Sonya Riley

Everyone loves music. It can be relaxing, encouraging or comforting and anything between sophisticated and revolutionary. Music brings the world together: there is no culture without some kind of playing and singing. With music being such an amazing phenomenon, it may have crossed one's mind, how great it would be to be able to create it. With these easy piano instruction you can learn to play your favorite songs.

It will always be a good idea to take some lessons, especially if you plan on becoming a true master. There are both private and public music schools in many areas. These schools usually require some experience and/or passing a test of some kind. It may sound terrifying to stand before a group of people doing what is most likely your first public performance, but don't freak out. Just practice and sing a song you like or a little piece with an instrument you have played before. They won't be too hard on you.

Other option is to find a private teacher somewhere. Try searching online or through local papers. As an learning option private teacher is at least as good than those in bigger schools. You are not tied to any curriculum, so if the teacher is cool, the content of the lesson is pretty much up to you. However, if you don't want a teacher at all for some reason, it is still possible to learn quite a lot via internet. There is just some basic information you ought to know.

The notation system, as well as your instrument, consists of ongoing octaves. These octaves always start and end with the same note. C-major for instance: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. There's actually very logical system for naming the different C:s and D:s etc., but most of the time you here people just talking about the 'lower D' and 'really high C'.

In the middle-section of your instrument is the C-major you'll be using the most in the beginning. C, which is a white key can be easily found by focusing on the black keys. There are two black keys together, then a gap, then three together and a gap again. Then the system goes all over again. C is always the white key, that touches the 'group of two' on the left side. It's followed by D, E, F, G, A, B and C again, all on the white keys.

Get ready to play your first song: mark the keys from C to G with letters or colors. Use some paper and tape to do this, it's not a grand idea to draw on your instrument. When you are ready, use your right hand to play: E D C D E E E D D D E G G, take a small break and continue: E D C D E E E D D E D C.

If you are having troubles with that, you can try marking the keys differently. Use your favorite funny pictures, animals, logos, anything you can imagine. Using your imagination makes the learning not only twice as fun, but also easier.

If everything went well, you just played 'Mary had a little lamb'. Hopefully these piano instruction made you excited to learn more and take up this wonderful hobby. Search the web for video-tutorials, how to read music sheets and more!

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