Monday, March 23, 2015

How Visual Narrative Art Developed

By Lelia Hall

It is indeed wonderful to think how history evolved until the present. Lots of developments and innovations you can admire are being provided especially with works of art. But the area of art is huge and you would find yourself impressed in thinking the developments that happened to all fields particularly with arts being visualized.

Ideas dealing with items that can be seen in the field of art are called visual arts. Speaking of which, considering the term visual, what comes into your mind would be photography, paintings, illustrations, graphics and even sculpture. But at this moment, you will approve of the visual narrative art being brought to you with the transformations that have happened these years.

A portion of item which tells a narrative like the aforementioned items is called narrative art. It usually manifests events happening that is portrayed on painted walls such as that in the Ancient Egypt and some of the past civilizations. It manifests events painted or sketched anywhere that when deciphered would tell narrate stories. It also actually because of these artworks that history is reminisced.

Not mentioning, many of the early evidences of arts that are manmade portrays natives telling stories through graphic presentations. But the problem is seen with such kind of process for it manifests that if someone does not know the narrative, then it may be hard for him understanding such pictures particularly ancient ones. This is due to the fact that they are not organized in sequence unlike words being encoded in a paper.

Though this time, a huge improvement is manifested in the manner the pictures narrate a story all thanks to the novelty of pictures in motion or commonly called as visual media. This kind of medium also experience improvisations from being a mere moving presentation to having auditory ones, to being colorful, and lastly, to having high definition quality right now. Through this, you do not need to have hard times in deciphering the message.

Visual narrative has actually been quoted to describe different media ranging from news and information to entertainment. Examples of these are photojournalism, photo essay, documentary film, movies, television, graphic novels, and comic books. So in short, it is any kind of story or information which is presented visually.

Although distant from the beginning, narrative visualization presently provides a very extensive management of info and one actually sees how it manifests its results. Because of it, it turns into an interest to various areas of study especially in terms of the academics. And as expected, it offered knowledge to the audience in a greatly conventional method.

Some in here are peculiar personalities that you may discover in the presentation. It contains persuasive narrative having a viewpoint, images of good quality, subjects with essential reports concerning issues on environment, spiritual value and society and an appearance of transformation in behaviors and conducts. So given as such, most likely one will gain something and become satisfied.

This is the kind of art that is being talked about. It also gives people refreshment in their due time. So if you find yourself and your eyes stressed, then visual art is a good relaxation for you.

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