Saturday, May 19, 2018

A Brief Review Of Kabbalah Inspired Paintings

By Sharon Stevens

When it comes to paintings, a number are related to scripture and spirituality. One such area in which this is the case is Kabbalah Inspired Paintings by Chagall and Friedman. Marc Chagall was an early Russian Jewish artist who lived between 1887 and 1985. Whereas, David Friedman is a modern day artist currently working in the genre.

Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal 6 of July 1887 in Liozna near Vitebsk, part of the Russia Empire which is now known as Belarus. The painter lived to the age of 92, rare for someone having lived during that time. Chagall left quite a catalog of works for future art lovers to enjoy. While best known for cubism, expressionism and stained glass paintings, there are a number of works in different formats housed in galleries and museums around the world.

To better comprehend the work of Chagall and others working in this area, an individual must first understand what inspires this type work. In the case of Chagall, it is the message found in the ideology of the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah provides information and insight with regards to ancient mystical teachings.

As with the teachings, the paintings and other pieces inspired by the Kabbalah often promote a feeling harmony and well being. Themes in the genre tend to include Sacred Geometry, the 42 letters which reflect the names of God and the Tree of Life. In addition, the teachings use natural resources such as air, earth, fire and water and often portray a sense of a Spiritual aspect.

One of the best places to view Chagall paintings and other works is on the website Pinterest. While some are for sale, others are only highlighted to show the amazing work of this late multi-media artist. For, Chagall worked in almost every medium known to man during this time.

The San Francisco area has a number of galleries and museums which feature the work of Chagall and other similar artists of the time. Whether visiting the Franklin Bowles or Weinstein art galleries or the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, individuals will find a number of works in different genres by Chagall. In fact, most galleries place these works in window displays due to the inviting nature of the artwork.

Anyone interested in checking newer art in this genre may want to visit the Kosmic-Kabbalah website. For, the site features more modern art inspired by the Kabbalah and the mysteries found in the studies. While akin to Chagall, one painter David Friedman uses similar themes using canvas and print mediums. While this is the case, the dramatic effects, themes and colors are all in tune with Chagall and other artists whom have worked in the genre.

When looking to acquire a Chagall painting or stained glass window or desiring to peruse the more modern paintings of David Friedman, searching for a local gallery dealing in these pieces is often the best bet. In many cases, when an inquiry is made at a gallery, the curator will attempt to locate a desired piece or pieces whether from the artist, a private dealer or another gallery.

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